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- Game Disc
EA Playground features classic playground games such as Dodgeball, Paper Racers (navigating paper airplanes), Kicks (a mix of volleyball and soccer), Dart Shootout, Wall Ball (where you hit a ball against a wall, letting it bounce off faster and faster to take out opponents), SlotCar Racing, Tetherball, Freethrows (basically just basketball, trying to make as many baskets in 30 seconds), Bug Hunt and Dribbling. By winning games the player can collect stickers and marbles, being able to trade them in for power-ups to use in the games.
The player uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, requiring you to move them in certain ways such as bouncing the remote up and down for dribbling or swinging side for side for Tetherball. It features a single-player mode as well as a Party Mode, allowing up to four different players for the Wii